Sunday, January 19, 2014

And the floorwork continues

Attempted to work on the floor again yesterday, but it was so bitterly cold & windy, we wrapped up after an hour.  My dad was able to get the floor piece a little bit closer to perfect after a couple of trims with the skill saw, but like I said, we gave up.  I have been recovering from the flu, and am facing surgery tomorrow...I can not afford to get sick again right now.  No matter how bundled up we were, it just wasn't worth it.  Spring is coming...which means warmer days and longer sunlight.  We just need to be patient!
Funny story:  someone came down my parent's driveway last week asking if the trailer was for sale.  Umm.  NO.

Monday, January 13, 2014

2013 numbers

Added up all our work hours from May-Dec 2013.  The grand total was 60 hours.  It seems like so much more than that!  And while I know we will be adding many more to that total in 2014, I just feel like that barely scratched the surface.  But we got so much done in that time!  Also looking back over my time log, I realize that we are really only working on the trailer about 3 days a month.  Not enough for my tastes, but it's all I can manage when my husband works 2nd shift 40 hours out of the week.
Hopefully we'll be back at it this weekend!